ACT-CV - Machine Vision for Cognitive Modeling
Regr< _t > Member List

This is the complete list of members for Regr< _t >, including all inherited members.

add(_t a, _t b)Corr< _t >
Corr()Corr< _t >
get_a_yx()Regr< _t >
get_b(int i)Regr< _t >
get_b_yx()Regr< _t >
get_num_cases() const Corr< _t >
get_squared_corr() const Corr< _t >
get_y(_t xw)Regr< _t >
init()Corr< _t >
nCorr< _t >protected
summeXYCorr< _t >protected
xCorr< _t >protected
yCorr< _t >protected

ACT-CV - Machine Vision for Cognitive Modeling
© 2015 Marc Halbruegge (