ACT-CV - Machine Vision for Cognitive Modeling
ActCvClient | Distributed ACT-CV: client class |
ActCvObserver | Abstract base class of observers of an ActCvSource |
ActCvServer | Tcp server for ACT-CV |
ActCvServerAutoStop | Kill the server at program exit |
ActCvSource | Anything that creates a symbolic representation of something |
BMFontInfo | Bitmap Font Info |
CharAtPos | Holds a char and its position on the screen |
Chi | Chi square distribution |
Corr< _t > | Correlation between two variables |
DMatrix< zeilen, spalten > | Matrix of type double |
std::exception | STL class |
ExpGlaett< _t > | Exponential smoother |
ExpGlaett< double > | |
ExpGlaett< float > | |
ExpGlaett< Pos< 2, double > > | |
FisherZ | Fisher's Z distribution |
FocusObsSupport | Support for FocusObserver |
FrameObsSupport | Support for FrameObs |
GCPLess< _t > | Predicate that redirects to the operator < of the references objects |
GCPointer< _t > | Pointer to objects of class ReferenceCount that performs garbage collection |
GCPointer< FrameObs > | |
GCPointer< GCString > | |
GCPointer< ImageHolder > | |
GCPointer< MatchImage > | |
GCPointer< OpticalFlow::Particle > | |
GCPointer< ResultData< _t > > | |
GCPointer< TestCase > | |
GCPointer< tests::TestCase > | |
HSV | Pixel in the HSV color model |
ImageCopy | Create a copy of an image (for output) |
Job | Something to do in the background thread |
JVM | Java virtual machine |
KalmanFilter< _dims > | Kalman filter for systems with constant velocity |
KalmanFilter< 2 > | |
Line | Used for data exchange |
LineException | Simple exception class holding the line in the file |
Logit | Logit and expit transformations |
Mean< _t > | Statistical average |
Mean< double > | |
MeanMinMax< _t > | Statistical average, minimum, and maximum |
Mittelwert< _t > | Average of all values |
noncopyable | |
ObjectPosition | Holds the result data |
Phi | Phi distribution |
Pos< dims, _t > | Fixed length vector that is interpreted as position |
Pos< 2, double > | |
Punkt | Point (integer coordinates) |
std::queue< T > | STL class |
ReferenceCount | Count the number of references and delete the object if the number is zero |
RegionInfo | Data holder for textual elements on the screen |
ResultSource< _t > | Abstract base class for anything that generates a result |
ResultSource< Line > | |
ResultSource< ObjectPosition > | |
RingBuf< _t, len > | Ringbuffer for arbritrary types |
RingBuf< GCPointer< ImageHolder >, 2 > | |
RundenZeitenClock | Take a time using the ANSI C time() function |
RundenZeitenTime | Take a time using the ANSI C time() function |
mhthreads::ScopedLock | Acquire a lock at the begin of a scope and automatically release it |
SquareOperation< _t > | How to square something |
SquareOperation< DMatrix< zeilen, 1 > > | How to multiply a vector with itself |
SquareOperation< double > | |
StoppUhrClock | Take a time using the ANSI C clock() function |
StoppUhrTime | Take a time using the ANSI C time() function |
tests::TestSuite::Tester | Run the test case |
tests::TestFailure | Exception class for test failure |
BGMatchers::ThreadData | Work packet for a thread |
TrimmedMean | Compute a trimmed mean |
std::vector< T > | STL class |
Veraenderung< _t > | Difference to the last one (first derivation) |